The hydrographr R-package

Scalable hydrographic data processing in R

The hydrographr R-package

We have developed the hydrographr R-Package that facilitates the download and data processing of the Hydrography90m data (which can be visualized at the IGB-GeoNode). The package is maintained at, the installation procedure is available here, and the publication in Methods in Ecology and Evolution can be found here.

hydrographr provides functions to allow scalable hydrographical data extraction and analysis workflows. The R-functions are wrappers around the open-source geospatial GDAL and GRASS-GIS software that run in the Linux environment and enable fast and memory-efficient data processing.

We will soon upload a vignette that showcases the functionality of hydrographr. In the meantime, feel free to explore the package and drop us a line here if you have any questions.

We thank NFDI4Biodiversity and NFDI4Earth for providing the funding that helped us getting the hydrographr package together!


Dr. Sami Domisch
Dr. Sami Domisch
Research Group Leader