Safe operating space for water resources
Defining a safe operating space for the entire water resources in a changing climate and society

The SOS-Water Project -
Pressure on water resources has been mounting in the last decades and continues to grow worldwide, driven by increasing demand for food and energy, improving standards of living and complicated by regional water governance and climate change.
SOS-Water is a EU-funded project, started in October 2022, which aims to define a safe operating space (SOS) for the water resources, accounting concurrently for all relevant water dimensions across multiple sectors and spatial scales under the influence of socio-economic, policy, technological, and climatic changes.
This framework aims to operationalize and downscale the global freshwater SOS to the continental and river basin levels, by integrating water system models (WSMs) in five different case studies in Europe and abroad.
Check out the project website at for more information.